Wednesday, July 8, 2009

BF's In DC

Last month I took a three city tour to visit some close friends whom I missed over the past year while in Asia! I spent about a month home with the family and then I "burned the road up!" As my mom would say. Anywho, my first stop was in DC to visit my beautiful BF K. Edwards ♥. Eddie and I met our first day of college in 2003, we roomed together for 3 years and took our first trip abroad to West Africa in 2007. She's one of those people who you can't help but love. She's genuine, compassionate, and a true sweetheart! I love her like space!

On Saturday we visited the White House! To my surprise everything was very white at the white house! lol...well what I mean is...umm...well.... I'll just let the picture do the talking......

"Ohh Emm Gee"!!! -Yes, that's what I said LOL! It seems that a few US Citizens felt that protesting foreign oil in the nude would get their point across! IDK about everyone else but I was certainly... enlightened! I was in shock and ...well....disbelief! lmbo

Later we stopped and had rocket pop-sickles which turned our mouths blue, lol. We were embarrassed because we thought people would think we were crack heads! We played pocketbook chess and got harassed by a crazy squirrel who grilled us like we were under HIS tree! We grabbed a quick bite to eat and hurried to Maryland to attend the Miss Gambia pageant. Eddie is Miss. District of Colombia. She loves pageants so it was no surprise that she volunteered to judge the event! Sunday morning we met up with Miss AKA herself A. Harris and had brunch at Jaspers! The food is pretty good but the prices are ridiculous! Sunday was also game 5 of the NBA finals so we met up with some friends at Sideline, a local sports bar. Needless to say what team I was rooting for......I'll simply say....I'm in love with D. Howard's arms! hehe ♥ Monday was laxed, I watched Sex and The City all-day-long and ate Jamaican food. Packed and headed to Chicago on Tuesday morning! It was great catching up with my BF, can't wait to do it again!

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