Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Alle and Brook take on White Beach!

When I first arrived in Boracay I was surprised by how she boldly introduced her beauty and malice with a smile. My short time on the island allowed me to reflect on just how blessed I am and how far Ive come on my journey. The overall experience made a lasting impression in my mind. Third world countries aren't a reality until you're face to face with them. Their use of raw-materials shows the simplicity of life and just how much we take some things for granted.

If you look far enough into the distance, you can see the sky kiss its reflection in the motion of blue -Alle

Have you ever seen the gift in the beauty God gives us everyday? ::the present:: sunshine or rain, it's all heaven sent. Boracay is beyond a describable beauty. Mother nature continuously surrounds you in her state of grace::

She has no mercy, she shows herself boldly everyday and kisses you all over willingly or not -Alle

OMG so I had a chance to walk on the ocean floor. Never in a million ddrreeaamms would I have thought I'd walk on the oceans floor and feed her multifaceted creations from my hands. I could only marvel at what seemed like aqua air all around me.

When I began exploring, suddenly my mind FROZE! The fear of the unknown stopped me dead in my tracks. The horrid imagines of me falling to my demise stuck in my mind! Besides the obvious fear of a shark coming to KILL ME, I imagined myself somehow floating into the abyss, separated from my instructor (whom might I add was very cute) and unable to reach the surface again!!!!!!

The beautiful tropical colors of a countless number of fish recaptured my attention, not to mention Brooks return to the surface on more than one occasion. LOL She was having a hard time. Visiting Gods creations under the sea is...is..an adrenaline rush and highly recommended for lovers of all things beautiful.

The day before we went jet skiing! Sooo much fun! It was almost better then skiing down a black diamond slope for the first time with no idea how to stop! But that's another story. It didn't take long to get the hang of things. The trick is to catch some waves so it kinda feels like your flying over the water. Before I knew it I was making waves! Yep that's right I'm Wavy baby! lol

We also went ATVing to the highest point of the island. I wanted to go really fast but we had to follow the guide and hes no speed demon. Before we left we geared up and listen to the guide explain what to do what not to do ...blah blah blah...I was thinking to myself "yeah yeah just give me the key so I can tare this island up buddy." ;-) It took about 30 minutes to reach the top of the mountain and a five minute hike to its peak. One look and I was in awe...........

....no words can explain you have to see it for yourself in person! We also saw some poor little monkeys being held captive for tourist entertainment, a few snakes and other wild animals. After ATVing we took a walk on the world renowned "White Beach" Classic....

"Getting so lost in someone else that you lose yourself"

I intentionally planned my trip to the tropical island on Valentines Day as a way to remind myself of how important it is to love ME first. I learned the lesson of:: getting so lost in someone else that you lose yourself:: the hard way. I now realize just how vital it is to value myself.

During my flight back to reality I reflected on life, I'll give you a sneak peak into my personal journal. Consider yourself special!

"Life Happens"
Be you, follow your hearts desires, don't be conformed to the humdrum bores, norms and expectations of this world. So often we find ourselves persuaded based on societal norms. Don't get lost in it, get lost in you. Things fall apart but we must recognize those fails build our character. I call it character building. Mistakes are lessons not learned. It's not wrong to journey and get lost, life happens.

Travel see the world, it has so much to offer. It gives you what you give it. It's honest, willing to stand naked in it's truth, sharing it's joy and pain and open for you to discover. -xoxo Alle

"Alley Cat"

So I promise, no lie...Brook and I were walking up the alley back to our hotel and on the ground was this note:

I stopped and said "OMG, we have got to get a picture of this (because everywhere we went someone wanted a tip, just for taking a picture and not for us but of them! Seriously!) So here's the kicker, I looked up and this tiny cute cat was walking towards us up the alley:

I couldn't believe it. Then the cat started running towards us!!!

No LIE! The tiny Alley Cat came and sat by the note:

THEN it looked up at us like puss in boots and started singing the meow mix song!?!?!

"click here for the meow-mix song"

<> LOL <> ok that last part was a lie BUT OMG I was like what the !?!?

Brook said "OMG, that cat is trained to get tips! Im done!" It was unbelievable yall! For real Im not kidding!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"Love and Happiness"

...Occasionally I imagine what life would be like if I were born in the mid to late 20th Century (Specifically the 60s-70s) I believe there was a Sense of urgency in the air that made men and women embrace what love and happiness was. It's (soul music) like a deep feeling inside your soul that makes you want to give your love to any and everyone. Makes you wana rock left to right or roll your hips real smooth...lol you feel a lil beat in your body that makes you smile and groove real slow to the rhythm. Wwhhheeww, you feel that?!?! I don't know about you but real music and I do mean reeeaalll music feels gud to my soul! It's an escape, a quick fix, a perfect high...if you got the right stuff; you get that first high all over again every-single-time! If you got the right stuff it will have you jonesing for more and more. But it's got to be the right stuff or you'll find your thoughts stuck in a dark place wondering "how did I get here?"



"You Can Call me Alle"

The name is Tiffany but you can call me Alle. Alle is short for Allen which is my last name. Alle is something like my alter ego. I thought of this code name when my sorority sister and I planned a trip to the Philippines and I decided we needed alias. It's funny because people use alter egos as a way to express the "bad girl" side of themselves. Well my AG is the opposite. If you know me you already know I say what I mean and mean what I say...sometimes I can be a bit brash. But Alle takes a different approach. You see, Ive been told "Its not what you say, its how you say it" so I'll use this opportunity to express myself in a more "socially conscious/acceptable" way...well...maybe lol
who makes these rules anyway?!

Alle is very sensitive and sweet. She likes to think of herself as a queen, she's a lover and uses the reality of visualization and affirmation to her advantage. She always tells the truth. (the whole truth) She's a natural soul who seeks all things adventure and she likes to perform entire old-school shows in her bedroom after work. She writes poetry, bakes cakes and crochets. She loves to eat Oreos and milk while watching "Sex in The City" at 1:00 in the morning. She loves to give hugs and she kisses and tells. Shes a total anomaly and pulchritudinous inside and out! So everyone meet Alle...Alle meet everyone. Now keep in mind from time to time you may get Alle and you may get me. It just depends on the blog!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Who is Louis Randolph?!?!

If you're wondering where in the world the name "Louise Randolph" came from...?!?!....LOL... Its my witness protection name; ya know your parents middle names. Moms middle is Louise and Dads is Randolph so there you have it louiserandolph.blogspot.com
So first things first: DISCLAIMER this is my blog, my thoughts, my opinions and my emotions. WARNING if you come across anything you don't like or agree with click the X in the top right hand corner immediately!!!!! My intentions are to give you a look into my heart and my mind through my words and visuals. I pray you enjoy.